Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nuclear rights and red lines

Yes, the iranian government flaunts the making of uranium, and uses it as propeganda,and they do have many enemies (particularly Israel and the U.S) which is a huge concern, but I think personally that they should be allowed to make uranium. They do realize the plus sides of it, and are using it to their benefit. And countries all around iran have nuclear weapons, and if they were to act, iran would have no way to retaliate, they would just be *poof* gone..mainly, if they were to develope nuclear weapons I think it would be fine as long as they were to engaged in a war. BUT use it only if necessary. I mean the people of iran do have a point. We used it against people before, so why shouldn't they be able to have the protection of nuclear weapons too? As for the redline, I would take action if they were developing nuclear weapons to use against an undefended nation, because, well it just wouldn't be fair. And I would keep a close eye in iran at all times.


  1. I would agree with you completely if it were that simple to just "keep a close eye on Iran at all times." If government officials cannot cooperate with the I.A.E.A. at this point--the uranium enrichment programs--then I do not believe it possible to successfully allow Iran to create nuclear weapons or continue enriching uranium up to twenty percent. Western countries can't provide Iran the chance to choose not to negotiate nuclear weapons and then a nuclear war in the future.
    This is my cautious and pessimistic opinion. I think that's the safest way to be at an international scale with risks so high. I like your ideals, though.

  2. First off, I'd like to point out that the reason we used an atomic bomb (there is a difference between the two weapons) against Japan was to end the war quicker (if we invaded with regular troops we would've had to destroy most of Japan because of their fanaticism to their Emperor, not just two cities). While I'm not endorsing the action during WW2, it's the lesser of two evils. That being said, I agree that Iran should be able to pursue nuclear technology but not be able to pursue nuclear war. If the wishes of their leaders were to come true and they were able to wipe Israel of the face of the Earth a nuclear weapon would be their best option. If Iran obtains nuclear weapons I do not believe they would use them only in defense, but offense. However I do agree that Iran should be able to pursue nuclear energy, on that I agree with you.

  3. Iran using nuclaer weapon and the US using an atomic bomb are two different things. We used it so that we cound end a war that was destroying Europe. Even today, Japan still feels the effects of the bomb we dropped. iran is to much of a wild card to be allowed to have nuclear weapons. they should, however, be allowed to have nuclear power, its is clean and efficiant. If iran ever gets a new regime that isnt so set on destrying isreal and the US, then they can start testing, but until then, they cant be trusted.
