Sunday, January 27, 2013


well, originally when I signed up for africa and the middle east, I signed up for it thinking it was going to be terribly boring and regret taking it. When in reality, it was eye opening and led me to respect those in the middle east. I ended up enjoying the class a bunch, it allowed me to make connections to students i may have not have talked too if not for this class.
things I will take away from this class:
*dispite our differences with those in the middle east, we are strikingly similar. And that you should not judge them just because of the bad decisions that a few have made.
*Africans are super strong individuals that fight daily to stay alive, its actually beautiful how they keep ging and i think its something all of us americans should think of, when we go complaining about how much homework we have, or about our bad days.
*also just because of this class, i feel like ive learned to respect the world more and the people in it. I feel more educated and as though i could join in with adult and have coherent converastions about worldy issues.
I will miss Africa and the Middle East! can we repeat this semester?  can we have a part 2? :)

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