Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ski Dubai: worlds largest indoor ski dome

 This is the Dubai Sunny Mountain Skidome. It is located in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. 1.It is the worlds largest Ski dome and also the first
2.You may ski, snowboard, go tobogging, go sledding, or even play with penguins!
3.its covered with snow all year long and kept at -4 degrees
4.Ski Dubai has 5 runs that vary in difficulty,height and gradient, the longest run being 400 meters with a fall of over 60 meters inside of the ski dome
5.its approximately 25 stories high.


inside the ski dome also

Sunday, November 18, 2012

dear syria

Dear Syria,
after seeing videos and reading blogs of your daily struggle, to live, i would like to say i look up to you
The lfie in Homs sounds miserable. I would never feel safe. I would be terrified constantly, and never know what to do. How you live there amazes me. I am amazed by you, and have complete respect for you, especially day to day you are fighting for your own freedoms via facebook and twitter. If i were to live in your shoes, i would be trying to escape what you have to live through every single of your life.. If it were me stuck in a room where people were being shot right outside the door, and tanks were flying by along with contact from the world being revoked, im pretty sure i would either die, or try to run. I, as an american, have taken my freedom for granted, and for the most part havent appreciated like i should have. But after seeing/ hearing about those around the world who cant be as fortunate as those who live here, i feel like i should be appreciating it alot more. someone, from syria would probably love to live here with these freedoms. And here i, kayla, am thinking of getting out of the u.s. If i were to live in Syria, it would be a daily struggle, and i Probably wouldnt make it out. I would go crazy. There would be NO peace of mind for me.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

peace and coexistance: a future for palestine

I personally think peace and coexistance is never going to happen. Both the arabs and israelis have been fighting against each other for years, and never has it really stopped. Both have so much hate, and so much conflict. The democracy in israel and the presence of the allatoyah, both present totally different values, and different ideas on how to run a country properly. Therefore i think coexistance is pretty much impossible.